
Benjamin Hargreaves C.E Primary School Voluntary Aided

Every child, every day, to learn, to laugh, to love and pray.


Our Designated Senior Lead in School is Mrs L Pemberton.

Our Deputy Designated Senior Lead is Mrs E Barker.

Our Safeguarding/Child Protection Governor is Mrs L Smith.

All staff undertake safeguarding/child protection training on a regular basis. 


Should you have any safeguarding concerns our safeguarding leads can be contact via the school office - 

01254 232130


You can also contact:

NSPCC helpline - 0808 800 5000

There is more information on their website -


Police on 101 or 999, depending on how immediate a response is required


Children's Social Care 0300 123 6720 (out of hours on 0300 123 6722)


Operation Encompass

We've had 1 6 9 5 8 4 visitors